Sports team management

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Sports team management on the sports noticeboard


Save time, keep your team upto date and enjoy managing your team online.

If you're a coach or manager of a football, netball, basketball team or rowing crew, then you can use the sports noticeboard to effectively manage the team. It will help to replace emails, spreadsheets, handouts and SMS's. For each game, match or training session, the participants are automatically sent availability requests where they can indicate their availabilities to the team and the manager.
  • training and match calendar
  • player availabilities
  • results
  • blog
  • contact details
  • support staff
  • photos
  • team email
  • SMS communication
  • locations
  • photos
  • smart phone noticeboard


The online sports team management on the sports noticeboard is available as either the chargeable or free version.
  • the free sports noticeboard has banner advertising and limited support.
  • the chargeable sports noticeboard has no advertising and is fully supported and is priced at 50 cents / user / month - US or AUD.
Both paid and free versions have the same functionality.


This is to manage a single team. For CLUBS / SCHOOLS / sporting organisations etc please click here

    choose type         enter your details         verify email address         create noticeboard         create sessions         invite team    

  Please enter your details

First Name :

Last Name :
Country :
Phone :
Email Address :
Password :
Password confirmed :
Team Name :
Sport :
Under 18 : This activity is for a team of under 18's where the parents will manage the children.
Your child's name :   if your a manager / parent with your child in the team
Type in Number : 32: (to stop automated spam)
Type :   Unsupported but free with banner advertising
  Fully supported and no advertising. 50 cents / user / month. AUD or US
Terms and Conditions :   I agree to the terms and conditions



Noticeboard Functionality Sports Venues Clubs Noticeboards
manage sports team online
boat booking system
club registrations
school sports schedule
online sports registrations
manage team sports
club manager software
sports mobile app

Sydney sporting ovals
Sydney school grounds
squash courts
Sydney golf courses
MWFA Clubs
Rowing clubs
Hockey clubs
personal trainers
tennis noticeboard
swimming noticeboard
netball teams
rugby noticeboard

Made in Sydney, Australia

© Copyright Sportsnoticeboard 2012. ALL RIGHTS ARE STRICTLY RESERVED.