School sports schedule

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School sports schedule hosted on the sports noticeboard


Reduce administration, keep parents updated and make information transparent.

Managing your school sports schedule can consume enormous amounts administrative time. Sports noticeboard has been designed to assist in the administration of which student is in which team playing when and where. Therefore, managing school teams, age groups and school groups with the sports noticeboard will make all jobs easier.

From student registrations, team management, support teams, school calendars, managing children, optimize school resources and internal communication systems, sports noticeboard will help to automate your schools administration.

Starting with administrators to coachs, support staff, age group coordinators to participants, parents. Communication is streamlined and the entire school is kept up to date with what events are going on.


The school sports schedule on the sports noticeboard is available as either the chargeable or free version.
  • the free sports noticeboard has banner advertising and limited support.
  • the chargeable sports noticeboard has no advertising and is fully supported and is priced at 50 cents / user / month - US or AUD.
Both paid and free versions have the same functionality.


  • school calendar, age group calendars
  • team management
  • summary of all matches
  • document management
  • import players and matches
  • sports contacts
  • support staff
  • broadcast messages
  • private email
  • fitness challenge
  • registrations
  • team allocations
  • resource management
  • player management

    choose type         enter your details         verify email address         create noticeboard         create age groups         create teams         registrations    

  Please enter details for an online school sports schedule

First Name :
Last Name :
Country :
Phone :
Email Address :
Password :
Password confirmed:
School name
We would like to use : Team management - for teams to know who is playing, where, when, status, results etc
Broadcasting - to send a message to all teams within an age group
Age group management - to manage teams within an age group
Registrations - to allow players to register online via the sports noticeboard
Resources - to allow booking of resource i.e. rowing boats for a rowing club or courts for a school
Type in Number : 668: (to stop automated spam)
Cost :   Free : unsupported with banner advertising
  Chargeable : Fully supported with no advertising. 50 cents / user / month. AUD or US
Terms and Conditions :   I agree to the terms and conditions



Noticeboard Functionality Sports Venues Clubs Noticeboards
manage sports team online
boat booking system
club registrations
school sports schedule
online sports registrations
manage team sports
club manager software
sports mobile app

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Sydney golf courses
MWFA Clubs
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Made in Sydney, Australia

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