Mens 5000 meters erg challenge

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Mens 5000 meters erg times on the sports noticeboard.


Available challenges

We are currently hosting challenge result times for swimming, erg (rowing machine), running and cycling for you to compete in.

Sportsnoticeboard gives you the ability to compare your results by
  • Challenge
  • Age group
  • Company
  • Club / school / gym or organisation
  • Sex
  • and suburb (county)

Entering your results onto the sports noticeboard will allow you to compare your time with those around you.

Track your 5000 Meters Erg times to see your improvement over time and how you improve over the year in comparison to others.

Note : Please check with your physician / GP that you are in good health and are able to perform the challenges without harm.

It is also pobbile to use the free mobile phone website version to enter your times after your session.

Mens 5000 meters erg times

Age group Name Club Location Time / reps Performed Comment
41-45  Mal Mosman Rowing Club Mosman 18:36 18/03/2012  
41-45  mal Mosman Rowing Club Mosman 18:50 6/04/2012  
41-45  Mal Mosman Rowing Club Mosman 19:28 25/05/2012  
41-45  MAL Mosman Rowing Club Mosman 19:11 29/05/2012  
Under 21  PO Ingleside 19:26 21/05/2012  
25-30  LW Mongogarie 24:18 15/08/2012  

   register now for the Mens 5000 meters erg challenge   


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